Commitment to SDGs

Commitment to SDGs by UN

The Sustainable Development Goals, established by the UN, are the blueprint for creating a better and more sustainable future for everyone. They address the global challenges such as poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice. These 17 Goals are interconnected, and achieving them all by 2030 is important to ensure that no one is left behind.


Multiple curricular activities, co-curricular events, workshops with all stakeholders are conducted to contribute towards achieving the sustainable development goals. Some of the SDGs initiatives undertaken include:

  • Collaborating with different NGOs and environmentalists, the eco-wing of Shishuvan has initiated many projects such as composting organic waste of the school, creating a butterfly garden, collecting plastic, recycling paper, paper-making, managing e-waste etc.
  • Working with Roti Bank for contributing groceries to those in need.
  • Organising blood donation camps to support healthcare initiatives.
  • Collaborating with Kotak Foundation for peer- teaching programmes where students from different schools associate with the foundation.

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